We are all born into a story. Some are happy with a lot of love and support. Some are more sad and tragic. Either way when we're young, other people begin to write our story on us. Around middle school and high school, we begin to write our own story.
God gave us His word through the Bible, not to be a wikipedia of God, but to give us the story of God engaging us. In the beginning, God spoke through prophets and other various ways. Then He spoke to us through His Son. Today God is continually speaking to us. All of creation is constantly screaming at us the story of God. God is always speaking and His words give us life.
"Then Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."Jesus answered, "It is written: 'People do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
I used to think that Jesus was just giving the "Sunday School" answer. I remember thinking that we don't live on bread alone... but we still live on bread. I thought Jesus was being an over spiritual tough guy but He really was being literal. He knew that apart from His father, He could turn those stones to bread, but it's not the bread that gives Him life. It's that His Father spoke into that bread that brings Him life. Just like manna, God puts all the nutrients into bread therefore bread gives us life. But if God spoke and said, "be full" then He would be full. Just like He spoke and said, "Let there be light" and there was light.
So if God is speaking constantly and His words bring us life, and we allow him to speak His story into our story, it will change our story. Instead of being what we've allowed others to shape us into, we become what God shapes us into. Instead of trying to be the main character of our own story, we become a part of a story much bigger than us. We become a part of a story that matters.
It's a story that begins with us being created in the likeness and image of God. It's a story about a murderer named Moses, a liar named Abraham, a prostitute named rehab, and a liar, murderer and adulterer named David. We see God go into the gritty, nasty reality of life and take imperfect people to do extraordinary things.
Some of us don't know our story because we're looking in the wrong story. Let God's words breath into your life and find yourself in that story.